Fandom: Samurai Champloo Title: Why Characters: Fuu, Mugen Pairings: Mugen/Fuu Rating: R for language Word Count: 309 Summary: "Why'd you have to be so stupid?" Notes/Warnings: It's kinda depressing. Which for some reason it always is when I write Mugen/Fuu.
Fandom: Samurai Champloo Title: Where He Wasn't Looking Characters: Fuu, Mugen Pairings: Mugen/Fuu Rating: PG-13 for language Word Count: 697 Summary: Mugen and Fuu meet again. Notes/Warnings: "Haunted" for my 10_prompts claim.
Fandom: Samurai Champloo Title: Blood Characters: Mugen, Fuu, random midwife Pairings: Mugen/Fuu Rating: R for character death Word Count: 481 Summary: Mugen loses something precious. Notes/Warnings: For my 10_prompts challenge.